Saturday, September 8, 2012

Bring it on.....I think....

Well, we have a few updates since the last time I posted (which yes...was a million months ago).  Lots of changes have been happening in the Romey house that I need to document for my own spiritual here it goes:

#1:  We have moved into a HOUSE!!

Ok, I realize to the outside world that this sounds mundane, but for the Romey's it's HUGE - BIG - JUMBO-SIZED! (like the vocabulary?)  Our whole married life we have been living in apartments and then the condo (which I loved).  Unfortunately, with the Colorado adoption laws, after Soph turned 4, we legally could not bring a baby in to live in our condo.  There is some weird stipulation that children of opposite genders cannot share a room if one child is 4 or over...hmppf!  This left us in a tough situation as we were about $30,000 upside down in our mortgage.  We couldn't sell and weren't sure about renting...... (enter God).....

At this time my sister and her husband were looking at renting/buying a home in Greeley.  This got us on the bandwagon too.  Many late nights were spent perusing websites and craigslist looking for homes to rent - all to none avail....  I became pretty discouraged and retreated into my fleshly mindset of "we're never gonna find a house!" (said in my best pouting 4-year-old voice).  My sister suggested we pound the pavement and just start driving around neighborhoods we like....."yeah right," I thought (again in pouty voice - only this time my arms were folded! (enter God)...........

Two days later, we were driving to my parents' house and we passed by a cute little brick ranch home - with a FOR SALE sign in the front.  I remember seeing this same house for sale a year earlier....and it's still for sale!  Curious, that night I hopped on line and looked it up - two words: PER FECT.  I then wrote a three page email to the agent explaining our "situation", telling her how much we could afford, would they be interested in renting, and on and on (all at 11:00 at night)

Cut to 7:30 the next morning....I get an email back from her saying, "They are all for it....when do you want to see the house???" This was on a Wednesday. :)

So our next hurdle was finding renters for our dearly loved condo.  After seeing the house (and LOVING it) on a Sunday morning, we came home and prayed, feeling that this was God's plan.  We prayed very specifically for wonderful renters who would take great care of our condo.  2 HOURS LATER.....that's right 2 HOURS LATER.....we get a call from my aunt Patty asking if they could rent our condo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (George was standing right next to me and I slapped him so hard that I could have been reported for abuse!)

So now here I sit, in our gorgeous 4 bedroom house (ready for a baby boy), with a finished basement, and backyard that opens up to a park and I say, "HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD?" (Can I get an Amen?) 

#2  We are crazy and need a few miracles

Let me explain:  a month ago we were approached by our adoption agency with the possibility of joining a new agency that they partner with: Parent Match.  In a nut shell, what PM does is search the United States for birth mothers, who for some reason, are having trouble fiding adoptive parents for their child (race, preferences, etc).  With this agency the wait time is around 2 to 6 months for placement!  Because they are new to our agency, Adoption Options is waiving the usual $2,000 registration fee. 

Of course my adoptive ears perked up and I instantly called our case-worker!  The only downside to this is that you will have to pay the birthmom's agency's fees and will most likely have to travel and stay in the state up to 2 weeks.  We have no more money, and very little time off.

Wah, wah, we filed that idea under: trash....(enter God)

So neither George or I can get PM out of our heads.  In my prayer time I kept coming back to it, only to immediately dismiss it - because in my understanding it can't be done.  Then last week at church, our pastor was preaching about people who do big things for God are rarely viewed as logical - in fact, the decisions that they make (to the outside world) look illogical.  The entire service I felt God's finger poking my chest and after communion I looked at George and said, "I think we need to pray with Aaron (pastor) about PM."  He agreed and we both boohooed the whole way up to the stage.

We are not wanting to force our will here - but we are both feeling, with much certainty that PM is where God wants us to we went!  Our profile is now available to be matched with a birthmother from anywhere across the United States.

Yes, we are terrified!  Yes, this is completely ILLOGICAL!  Yes, I obsessively pray, Lord is this where you want us to be?   I continue to hear the answer, Yes, in my heart.  So I am trusting HIM and not leaning on my own understanding - because to me....there's no way.

So here's where we are asking for prayer:

1.  That God will supply every single penny of the new agency's fees, travel expenses, and missed pay that we will incur.

2.  That God will work it somehow that this will minister to others around well as ourselves.

3.  For this birthmom somewhere out there...she needs strength, and power for this difficult task at hand.

4.  For continual assurance that we are in fact doing the right thing....our hearts are saying yes, but my brain is screaming no!!!!!!!

So....bring it on...I think!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Waste not.....

Hi, my name is Debby and I've become a food hoarder. I've said it...the first step is admitting the problem, or so I'm told. Honestly, since discovering Esh's (a discount grocery store in Evans - which by the way, if you haven't gone, you need to!), I've started....well....hoarding food. It's just that the deals ARE SO GOOD and that particular item might not be there next time, therefore, the only logical solution is buy, buy, buy!!! Who cares if I already have three boxes of snack bars....these are only $1.00!!! I mean, peanut butter Captain Crunch for $1.50??? Can you see my logic?

So, this thinking (and buying) has got my fridge and pantry busting at the seams! So, this week I've decided that we would try and do something radical....wait for it....wait for it....THE ROMEY'S ARE GOING TO EAT WHAT THEY HAVE!!!! I know this sounds ridiculous, but what would happen if just one week per month we didn't go shopping and just ate the food I've accumulated over the rest of the month? How would it change our budget? How would it affect how we see food and our "need?"

So this week I only bought things we had to have: milk, bread, & eggs (and saline solution...a girl's gotta see!). All of our breakfasts, lunches, and dinners are coming from what we already have. I'll be honest, we're going to have to get a little creative - but isn't that the point?

It's only day two, but this challenge has made me realize just how incredibly blessed we are and how much excess we truly live with. With that said, please don't judge my husband and daughter on their lunches this week. They may be eating snack bars and Captain Crunch for lunch, but hey - at least we're eating - there are many in this world who can't say that!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A deleriously written blog...but I want the memory!

I just have to declare my thanks and praise to God for His provision and blessing. Today we got the news that our grant application was accepted and our adoption fees are paid in full. This means that we can now be shown to potential step closer to bringing home Tait.

It's been an emotional day and my heart is overflowing with love and gratitude. Thank you Father for taking such good care of us. We truly believe that we are in Your perfect will and that you have a little one out there who you want back...we are ready.

Let my heart not forget this day -ever - and always remember that His plan is best. We might be in for a long wait, we might not...regardless I will praise Him!!

As I did dishes tonight (listening to Pandora - Newsboys station) I was praying and thanking God. Humming along to a Newsboys song I glanced at the computer and saw the album cover...I thought, since when is there a black guy in that band? Upon further inspection, I realized it was Michael Tait from DC Talk!!! I was instantly transported back to a dark time in our lives - when we were waiting for Sophie.

We attended a prayer group at church and the room we met in was the teen's rec room. One of the posters on the wall for the band Tait and had a large picture of Michael and the name TAIT in big bold letters. I spent a lot of time staring at that poster, the name, and the man.

In this instance God was speaking to me to let me know that our Tait is on his way...I will hold onto this hope and memory! It's amazing how God weaves everything together!